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Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021

Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021 - Satara, India

Domenica 12 dicembre 2021

N.B.: l'evento "Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com

Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021, mappa centrata su Satara

Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021
Image from wikipedia.org by Nilrocks

Informazioni Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021

Nome evento: Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021

Data e ora gara: Domenica 12 dicembre 2021

Città: Satara



Nazione: India

Latitudine e longitudine: 17.680464 74.018261

Descrizione evento:
The PNB METLIFE SHHM is held annually in the historic city of Satara, the erstwhile capital of the Maratha Kingdom founded by the legendary Warrior King Shrimant Chhatrapati ShivajiRaje Bhosale.

The PNB METLIFE SHHM is a proud member of the AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races) Usually held in the first half of September , the event attracts runners from all over India as well as elite athletes and running enthusiasts from all around the world.

The route for the PNB METLIFE SHHM has been described in many ways by past runners. Its been called Beautiful, Scenic, Blessed with Nature’s Bounty, a run in the clouds etc…. But one thing is for sure – NO ONE has ever called it “Easy”!That’s why it’s known as "Ultra Half Marathon". Veterans who have run some of the most difficult distance races over the world have described this course as a tough nut to crack.

It is clearly not a race to beat your own P.B (personal best / record), but if you do run this half marathon and finish it, rest assured that it will be a feather in your cap. The route is testing on the runner, but the challenge is worth it. This may not produce your personal best time, but it is very likely to be your personal best route!!!

Altre note:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:

Descrizione premi:


Punti di ristoro:

Website: runsatara.co






Volantino gara: Click here

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi Satara Hill Half Marathon 2021

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Mezza maratona N.D. N.D.
Gara 2 3 km
(1.9 mi)
Gara non competitiva N.D. N.D.

Previsioni meteo Satara

Altre gare podistiche vicine

Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Satara in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.

Messaggio per gli organizzatori di gare podistiche

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