flag of Vietnam

VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021

VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021 - Hanoi, Vietnam

Domenica 26 dicembre 2021

N.B.: l'evento "VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com

VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021, mappa centrata su Hanoi

VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021
Image from wikipedia.org by Gnguyen5

Informazioni VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021

Nome evento: VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021

Data e ora gara: Domenica 26 dicembre 2021

Città: Hanoi



Nazione: Vietnam

Latitudine e longitudine: 21.027764 105.83416

Descrizione evento:
The VPBank Hanoi Marathon is a major and official marathon of Vietnam which has been held annually in October in Hanoi. The VPBank Hanoi Marathon has been accredited by the IAAF, officially certified by Grade A Measurers of AIMS and affiliated with the Vietnam Athletics Federation (VAF). The marathon became an AIMS official member in 2019.

Taking place for the first time under the name of Hanoi International Heritage Marathon, the 2018 race has immediately garnered the attention of nearly 3,000 athletes and running enthusiasts from Vietnam and all over the world.

In 2019 the municipal authority declared the competition "the Official International Marathon of Hanoi", seeking to place the event on the world's map of major marathons, along with those in Berlin, Boston, Chicago, London, New York City and Tokyo. The turnout has doubled to 6,000 runners from more than 50 nationalities.

In 2020, as Vietnam took the chairmanship of ASEAN, the race has been selected as the official marathon of the 2020 ASEAN Chairmanship and launched with a new name: "VPBank Hanoi Marathon ASEAN 2020".

The race has a loop course, starting and finishing at Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi's centermost landmark. It is a one-of-a-kind event that serves as both a traditional marathon, as well as a unique tour of the six major districts and almost all historical and cultural landmarks of the Old Quarter of Hanoi, allowing the runners to discover the peaceful, charming, and historic city with 11 heritages and landmarks they can’t miss.

Altre note:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:

Descrizione premi:


Punti di ristoro:

Website: hanoi-marathon.com/






Volantino gara: N.D.

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi VPBANK Hanoi Marathon 2021

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 42.2 km
(26.2 mi)
Maratona N.D. N.D.
Gara 2 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Mezza maratona N.D. N.D.
Gara 3 10 km
(6.2 mi)
Gara competitiva N.D. N.D.
Gara 4 4 km
(2.5 mi)
Gara non competitiva N.D. N.D.

Previsioni meteo Hanoi

Altre gare podistiche vicine

Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Hanoi in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.

Messaggio per gli organizzatori di gare podistiche

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