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11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K, 2024. Info e percorsi.

11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K - Bursa, Turchia. Edizione 2024.

Domenica 6 ottobre 2024 - 07:30

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11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K, mappa centrata su Bursa

11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K

Informazioni 11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K, ed. 2024

Nome evento: 11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K

Data e ora gara: Domenica 6 ottobre 2024 - 07:30

Città: Bursa

Indirizzo: Eker Meydan Nilüfer

c/o: Eker Meydan Shopping Mall

Nazione: Turchia

Latitudine e longitudine: 40.202746 28.991282

Descrizione evento:
Organised since 2014, Eker I Run is a festival of running and wellbeing. Marathon is scenic, 5K is a festival fun run.

Eker I Run Marathon is a road marathon, starting from the elevation of 1793 m in the Uludag hotels zone, downhill to the Eker Square (117 m elevation). It is Turkey’s 5th road and 1st downhill marathon.

Taking the roads on the southern side of Uludag, connecting to Orhaneli Road over the Tuzakli village, the runner reaches Eker Square. The route offers picturesque views of the surrounding mountains. The first 18.7 km of the racetrack is above 1.000m elevation. The course is 550m uphill and 2.230 m downhill commutative.

There will be water supply points every 5 km. At the 21 km (located at 900m elevation, Kirazli Village) supply point, the runners will be able to leave or receive their drop bag (personal garments, food, etc.)

Runners can run faster in downhill marathons when compared to level road runs. Uphill laps and the runs held above sea level (350 m) cause performance losses. Eker I Run Uludag Marathon is run at the average elevation of 914 m through 42.195 m. Its first 10km is run over 1.500 m elevation while the final 10k is run below 300 m elevation. Let alone the first 2 km and minor uphill, it totally consists of downhill, rendering the sensation of running at a high elevation minimum.

2024 will be 11th edition of the event, 5th of the maraton distance.

Altre note:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Little Steps - Kid's Run. 7 differents starts for each age up to 12. All times, except age6 (and below.)
Online registration and entry fee applies.

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Marathon fee up to 30 Euros.

Descrizione premi:
Winners of 42K and 15K have prize of traveling to a big city marathon in Europe the following spring.

Dressing tents yes, showers no.

Punti di ristoro:
Maraton has 9 water stations, 2 aid stations.
15K has 5 water stations.
5K has a single water station.
All finishers go to a after finish water and food area.

Website: www.ekerkosu.com/en/index


: www.facebook.com/ekerirunkosusu

: www.instagram.com/ekerirun

: x.com/ekerirunkosusu

: www.youtube.com/@ekersuturunleri

Volantino gara: N.D.

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi 11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K, ed. 2024

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 42.2 km
(26.2 mi)
Maratona Percorso maratona

Video 3D percorso maratona
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento 11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K di 42.2 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
11th Eker I Run Marathon & 15K, mappa percorso gara 42.195 km
Video 3D percorso maratona
Gara 2 15 km
(9.3 mi)
Gara competitiva N.D. Asfalto
Gara 3 5 km
(3.1 mi)
Gara competitiva N.D. Asfalto

Previsioni meteo Bursa

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Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Bursa in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

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