Borneo International Marathon 2025. Info e percorsi.
Borneo International Marathon 2025 - Kota Kinabalu, Malesia
Domenica 11 maggio 2025 - 10:00
Disclaimer - L'evento "Borneo International Marathon 2025" NON è organizzato da Ulteriori informazioni qui.

Informazioni Borneo International Marathon 2025
Nome evento: Borneo International Marathon 2025
Data e ora gara: Domenica 11 maggio 2025 - 10:00
Città: Kota Kinabalu
Nazione: Malesia
Latitudine e longitudine: 5.984364 116.077344
Descrizione evento:
The Borneo International Marathon (BIM), held annually in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, has become a symbol of endurance, community spirit, and charitable giving, drawing participants from around the globe.
The inaugural Borneo International Marathon was launched on October 12, 2008 by Championship Sport Events Sdn. Bhd., with the late Mr. Andrew Voon at the helm as Race Director. Andrew played a pivotal role in bringing the event to life, and his vision was instrumental in reviving marathon running in Sabah. The first BIM featured three race categories—10km, 21km, and 42km—and attracted 529 participants, laying the groundwork for what would grow into one of Borneo’s biggest and most anticipated annual events today.
In 2011, following the sudden passing of Mr. Andrew Voon, the Kinabalu Running Club (KRC) took over the organisation of the marathon. Committed to continuing Andrew’s legacy, KRC, led by Dr Heng Aik Cheng and a passionate group of volunteers, has grown the event while staying true to its charitable mission. Over the years, the marathon has raised more than RM 1.1 million, benefiting over 36 charitable organisations, thanks to the generous contributions from the running community, partners, sponsors, suppliers, and contractors.
Since then, the Borneo International Marathon’s popularity has soared, becoming the third largest marathon in Malaysia after Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon and Penang Bridge International Marathon. In 2016, the event celebrated a major milestone with over 10,000 runners from more than 50 countries participating, and in 2018, the event was ranked 28th among the World’s 50 Best Running Races by Runner’s World magazine. The marathon routes are certified by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS).
Today, the Borneo International Marathon is more than just a race; it is a community-driven event supported by over 1,000 volunteers. Every runner who participates in our events is more than just an athlete. They are champions contributing to our annual charitable goals, helping to drive positive change and support those in need. Alongside our dedicated runners, we are incredibly grateful for the volunteers, partners, sponsors, and the broader community who work tirelessly with us to bring these events to life. Their commitment and collaboration are the driving forces behind our success.
The Borneo International Marathon has gained the support of various governmental bodies, including the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment Sabah, Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah, Kota Kinabalu City Hall, Royal Malaysia Police, Sabah Fire and Rescue Department, and Sabah Health Department. The marathon continues to unite people from all walks of life, celebrating the vibrant spirit of Sabah while making a meaningful impact on society through sports and charity.
Altre note:
Virtual Race? No
Trail? No
Gara di cross? No
Corsa a tappe? No
Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione
Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Descrizione premi:
Punti di ristoro:
Volantino gara: N.D.
Mappe percorsi Borneo International Marathon 2025
# | Lunghezza | Tipo di gara | Mappa percorso e file gpx | Tipo di terreno |
Gara 1 | 42.2 km (26.2 mi) |
Maratona | N.D. | N.D. |
Gara 2 | 21.1 km (13.1 mi) |
Mezza maratona | N.D. | N.D. |
Gara 3 | 10 km (6.2 mi) |
Gara non competitiva | N.D. | N.D. |
Previsioni meteo Kota Kinabalu
Altre gare podistiche vicine
Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Kota Kinabalu in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.
Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.
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