Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023. Info e percorsi.
Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023 - Isle of Wight, Regno Unito
Domenica 20 agosto 2023 - 11:00
Disclaimer - L'evento "Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023" NON è organizzato da Ulteriori informazioni qui.
Informazioni Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023
Nome evento: Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023
Data e ora gara: Domenica 20 agosto 2023 - 11:00
Città: Isle of Wight
Indirizzo: Ryde Rowing Club
Nazione: Regno Unito
Latitudine e longitudine: 50.727856 -1.143568
Descrizione evento:
The course was slightly modified in 2017, the start is now located in Appley Park (Just above the finish) and consists of two laps, covering Ryde, Bullen Lane, Goddard’s Farm Lane, Attrill’s Lane (off tarmac gravel track), Nettlestone, back to Bullen Lane for the start of the next lap, Goddard’s Farm Lane through to Whitefield Woods (short bridleway section), Carpenters Road, St. Helens, back along gravel track to Goddard’s Farm Lane, Appley and back to Ryde.
Marker boards at each mile point.
The course is not suitable for wheelchairs, due to stiles and extreme terrain.
Drinks stations are located at approximately 3 Mile intervals.
Altre note:
Virtual Race? No
Trail? No
Gara di cross? No
Corsa a tappe? No
Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione
Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Entry Fees: £17 Affiliated / £20 Unaffiliated (Plus a service charge)
Entry Fees (on the day): £20 Affiliated / £23 Unaffiliated
Entry limit: 400
Minimum age: 17 years
Numbers and timing chips will be issued at Registration on Race Day.
If you are unable to run. Transfers, withdrawals and refunds are available via the entry portal.
Descrizione premi:
Women Overall, U20 and 10 year vet categories. Teams of 3.
Men Overall, U20 and 10 year vet categories. Teams of 3.
Souvenir for all finishers.
Requests to amend results will be considered up to 3 days after the race. Requests to change an entry type from Unaffiliated to Affiliated, must be made before the day of the race.
Punti di ristoro:
Drinks stations are located at approximately 3 Mile intervals.
Volantino gara: N.D.
Classifica finale: N.D.
Mappe percorsi Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023
# | Lunghezza | Tipo di gara | Mappa percorso e file gpx | Tipo di terreno | |
Gara 1 | 21.1 km (13.1 mi) |
Mezza maratona | Percorso mezza maratona Video 3D percorso mezza maratona |
N.D. | |
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento Isle of Wight Half Marathon 2023 di 21.1 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx. | |||||
![]() |
Video 3D percorso mezza maratona |
Previsioni meteo Isle of Wight
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Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Isle of Wight in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.
Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.
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Ulteriori informazioni qui.
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