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Patagonian International Marathon 2023. Info e percorsi.

Patagonian International Marathon 2023 - Puerto Natales, Cile

Sabato 9 settembre 2023 - 08:00

Disclaimer - L'evento "Patagonian International Marathon 2023" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com. Ulteriori informazioni qui.

Patagonian International Marathon 2023, mappa centrata su Puerto Natales

Patagonian International Marathon 2023

Informazioni Patagonian International Marathon 2023

Nome evento: Patagonian International Marathon 2023

Data e ora gara: Sabato 9 settembre 2023 - 08:00

Città: Puerto Natales

Indirizzo: Torres del Paine National Park

c/o: Torres del Paine National Park

Nazione: Cile

Latitudine e longitudine: -50.965123 -72.863469

Descrizione evento:
The eleventh edition of Patagonian International Marathon® will take place on Saturday, 9 September, 2023. The event will take place within Torres del Paine National Park, utilizing its vehicular gravel routes, which are characterized by various curves and steep slopes. The race distances are 42K, 21K and 10K. The entire route presents you with breathtaking scenery, with the best views towards the principal mountains of the park: Cerro Paine Grande, Cuernos del Paine, Cerro Almirante Nieto and Torres del Paine. The shared finish line for all distances is located a few meters from the Welcome Center at Reserva Las Torres (To be confirmed).

PUERTO NATALES is the base city for Patagonian International Marathon®. In the days leading up the race, the city will serve as the location for kit pick-up and the center for all event information. In addition, the official buses will depart to the Starting Lines from this city and then return again to the same location from the Finish Line.

Before registering in Patagonian International Marathon®, it is your responsibility to review the general rules and regulations, in addition to the map and race profile. Also, we invite you to check out the photo galleries from previous editions in order to have a better idea for choosing your race distance, selecting your clothing and planning your trip.

Altre note:
General design and operation of Patagonian International Marathon®.
Annual event management (administrative tasks, website and social media management, permit requests, managing event registration, communication with runners, authorities, suppliers and press, etc.).
Hydration and/or alimentation points at Starting Line, throughout the Race Route, and Finish Line.
Support Staff and Medical Team during the Race.
First Aid and Evacuation Teams.
Official Runner Shirt Patagonian International Marathon®.
Official Elastic Cylindrical Headband Patagonian International Marathon®.
Official Race Number (required to wear).
Recyclable Timing Chip (required to wear).
Medal for all runners who complete their race distance within the established time limit.
Medal for the first three finishers of each race category.
Special Medal for the first overall finisher for each race distance (women and men).
Hydration and snack at the Finish Line.
Checkroom for Runner’s Bag.
Runner’s Guide (Digital Copy).
Awards Ceremony at the Finish Line.
Entry Ticket into Torres del Paine National Park.
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Transfers in general (buses), accommodations, accident insurance and any other unspecified services.
IMPORTANT: In order to avoid traffic problems within Torres del Paine National Park, the only way to access the starting lines is through the event’s official buses or minibuses (including hotels that have requested accreditation). Runners who wish to travel by private vehicle can only do so by traveling directly to the Finish Line, where they can then take the official bus to the starting line. The ticket for the official buses, either from Puerto Natales to the starting lines or from the finish line to the starting lines, must be purchased in advance, either during registration or through your registration ticket by no later than 02 August.
In order to obtain your TICKET, you must enter into our registration and p

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: It is an event open to the whole family.

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Marathon: 247 USD
Half-Marathon: 228 USD
10K: 182 USD

You can register on the website www.patagonianinternationalmarathon.com
Deadline registration is 02 august

Medical certificate is required

Descrizione premi:
Medal for all runners who complete their race distance within the established time limit.
Medal for the first three finishers of each race category.
Special Medal for the first overall finisher for each race distance (women and men).

Only dressing rooms

Punti di ristoro:
Marathon: 8 aid stations
Half-Marathon: 5 aid stations
10K: 3 aid stations

The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a aid stations

Website: www.patagonianinternationalmarathon.com

E-mail: info@patagonianinternationalmarathon.com

: www.facebook.com/patagonianinternationalmarathon

: www.instagram.com/patagonianmarathon

: x.com/@PatagonMarathon

: www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWub5eYYNIern7JPSSbJpQ

Contatto 1 (nome, email, tel): Carla Riquelme    carla@racingpatagonia.com    +56612613891

Volantino gara: Click here

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi Patagonian International Marathon 2023

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 42.2 km
(26.2 mi)
Maratona Percorso maratona

Video 3D percorso maratona
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento Patagonian International Marathon 2023 di 42.2 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
Patagonian International Marathon 2023, mappa percorso gara 42.195 km
Video 3D percorso maratona
Gara 2 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Mezza maratona Percorso mezza maratona

Video 3D percorso mezza maratona
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento Patagonian International Marathon 2023 di 21.1 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
Patagonian International Marathon 2023, mappa percorso gara 21.0975 km
Video 3D percorso mezza maratona
Gara 3 10 km
(6.2 mi)
Gara competitiva Percorso gara 10 km

Video 3D sul percorso di 10 km
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento Patagonian International Marathon 2023 di 10 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
Patagonian International Marathon 2023, mappa percorso gara 10 km

Previsioni meteo Puerto Natales

Altre gare podistiche vicine

Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Puerto Natales in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.

Disclaimer - L'evento "Patagonian International Marathon 2023" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com.
Le informazioni sugli eventi podistici presenti su questo sito web sono raccolte da fonti pubbliche e ritenute affidabili al momento della pubblicazione. Tuttavia, non siamo gli organizzatori di questi eventi e non possiamo garantire l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'aggiornamento delle informazioni fornite. Le immagini presenti su goandrace.com sono a licenza free se prese su pexels.com o su unsplash.com o con licenza Creative Commons BY o BY-SA se prese su wikipedia.org. Ulteriori informazioni qui.

Messaggio per gli organizzatori di gare podistiche

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