Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023. Info e percorsi.
Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023 - Northampton, Regno Unito
Sabato 8 aprile 2023
Disclaimer - L'evento "Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023" NON è organizzato da Ulteriori informazioni qui.
Informazioni Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023
Nome evento: Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023
Data e ora gara: Sabato 8 aprile 2023
Città: Northampton
Indirizzo: Brixworth Country Park Northampton Rd
Nazione: Regno Unito
Latitudine e longitudine: 52.317744 -0.897993
Descrizione evento:
54 miles of beautiful Northamptonshire country trails, roads and towpath. The route is approximately 72% trail and 28% on road. The Race start and finish is hosted by the Brixworth Country Park with plenty of room for parking, and only 20 minutes drive from the M1 Motorway. The race is a single loop making for easy planning and logistics. The route takes in the beautiful Northamptonshire countryside with two country parks, Salcey Forest, the Grand Union Canal and 21 pretty villages and towns following parts of the Nene Way, the Midshires Way and the Northampton Round. There are 6 checkpoints at 6 to 8 mile intervals with support from the local running community. The event is fully tracked and interactive so friends and family will be able to follow your progress from the comfort of their armchairs – and also you can make sure that you are following the route! For anyone wanting to stay overnight, Northampton offers a wealth of hotels to suit all budgets. We are proud to be an Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc index race.
Altre note:
Virtual Race? No
Trail? Sì
Gara di cross? No
Corsa a tappe? No
Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione
Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Descrizione premi:
Punti di ristoro:
Website: clicca qui
Volantino gara: N.D.
Classifica finale: N.D.
Mappe percorsi Rose of the Shires Ultra 2023
# | Lunghezza | Tipo di gara | Mappa percorso e file gpx | Tipo di terreno |
Gara 1 | 86.9 km (54 mi) |
Ultramaratona | N.D. | Prevalentemente sterrato |
Previsioni meteo Northampton
Altre gare podistiche vicine
Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Northampton in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.
Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.
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