Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023. Info e percorsi.
Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023 - Horta, Portogallo
Venerdì 5 maggio 2023
Disclaimer - L'evento "Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com. Ulteriori informazioni qui.
Informazioni Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023
Nome evento: Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023
Data e ora gara: Venerdì 5 maggio 2023
Città: Horta
Nazione: Portogallo
Latitudine e longitudine: 38.534845 -28.629981
Descrizione evento:
The Ultra Blue Island® is an amazing course situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, in the Azores, Portugal, on the island of Faial. This challenging trail running event captures nature at its best!
The expansive view to the ocean, the majestic volcanic craters that formed this island and the historical passages of the ancient whalers tell the story of this land and its people.
From the natural blue of the ocean to the vastness of green from its forests and fields, the black sands of the last volcanic eruption that grew this island, to the pallet of colours man reflected on their homes are just some of the splendours you will experience on this journey.
You will be left with a feeling of having travelled from the earth to the moon and back. You will be mentally stimulated, physically exhausted and personally rewarded only yearning to repeat this amazing event.
There are 6 races on the same event:
Whalers’ Great Routel: 118k
Blue Island Trail: 65k
Marathon Faial Coast to Coast: 42k
Ten Volcanoes Trail: 25
Family Race: 11k - Free for Kids under 16
Altre note:
Virtual Race? No
Trail? Sì
Gara di cross? No
Corsa a tappe? No
Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Family Race: 11k - Free for Kids under 16
Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
Descrizione premi:
Punti di ristoro:
Website: www.azorestrailrun.com/
Volantino gara: N.D.
Classifica finale: N.D.
Mappe percorsi Ultra Blue Island by Azores Trail Run 2023
# | Lunghezza | Tipo di gara | Mappa percorso e file gpx | Tipo di terreno |
Gara 1 | 118 km (73.3 mi) |
Ultramaratona | N.D. | Sterrato |
Gara 2 | 65 km (40.4 mi) |
Ultramaratona | N.D. | Sterrato |
Gara 3 | 42 km (26.1 mi) |
Gara competitiva | N.D. | Sterrato |
Gara 4 | 25 km (15.5 mi) |
Gara competitiva | N.D. | Sterrato |
Previsioni meteo Horta
Altre gare podistiche vicine
Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Horta in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.
Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.
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