flag of Argentina

Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 2024. Info and routes.

Desafio Punta Negra Trail - San Juan, Argentina. 2024 edition.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Disclaimer - "Desafio Punta Negra Trail" is NOT organized by goandrace.com. Learn more here.

Desafio Punta Negra Trail, map centered on San Juan

Desafio Punta Negra Trail

Information about Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 2024 ed.

Running event name: Desafio Punta Negra Trail

Date and Time: Friday, May 24, 2024

City: San Juan



Country: Argentina

Latitude and longitude: -31.535107 -68.538594

About the event:
La Provincia de San Juan es la ciudad más moderna de por su reconstrucción en los dos principales sismos de 1944 y 1977.
Se encuentra a 650 msnm, custodiada por tres grandes estructuras montañosas: al Oeste la Cordillera de los Andes, luego la Pre cordillera y al Este Las Sierras Pampeanas, hacen que sea una provincia diferente, atractiva y única, ideal para la práctica de deporte aventura. Su particular geografía, nos deja fotos mentales que no se van a borrar nunca más.
Su clima es más bien desértico, con bajas precipitaciones anuales, De los 365 días del año, 300 son días de sol. Así que si te olvidás el paraguas no pasa nada, pero NO OLVIDES tus lentes de sol. En el mes de MAYO la temperatura oscila entre los 21° y 5° y la probabilidad de lluvia es muy baja, pero como cualquier carrera de aventura puede sorprendernos como en la 7ma edición que nos encontramos con nieve en los filos más altos.

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? Yes

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:

Website: www.desafiopuntanegra.com.ar


: www.facebook.com/desafio.ansilta

: www.instagram.com/adventure.pro

: x.com/AdventureProSJ


Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

Desafio Punta Negra Trail route, 2024 ed.

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 100 km
(62.2 mi)
Ultramarathon 100 km course map

3D video animation of the 100 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 100 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 100 km race course map
3D video animation of the 100 km path
Race 2 70 km
(43.5 mi)
Ultramarathon 70 km course map

3D video animation of the 70 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 70 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 70 km race course map
3D video animation of the 70 km path
Race 3 42 km
(26.1 mi)
Competitive race 42 km course map

3D video animation of the 42 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 42 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Desafio Punta Negra Trail, 42 km race course map
Race 4 24 km
(14.9 mi)
Competitive race Not available Not available
Race 5 18 km
(11.2 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Not available
Race 6 10 km
(6.2 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Not available
Race 7 5 km
(3.1 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Not available

San Juan weather forecast

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from San Juan as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Disclaimer - "Desafio Punta Negra Trail" is NOT organized by goandrace.com.
The event information on this website is collected from public sources and believed to be reliable at the time of publication. However, we are not the organizers of these events and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided. The images on goandrace.com are with free license if taken on pexels.com or from unsplash.com or with Creative Commons BY or BY-SA license if taken on wikipedia.org. Learn more here.

Message for running race organizers

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