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Ferrara Half Marathon 2023. Info and routes.

Ferrara Half Marathon 2023 - Ferrara, Italy

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Disclaimer - "Ferrara Half Marathon 2023" is NOT organized by goandrace.com. Learn more here.

Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, map centered on Ferrara

Ferrara Half Marathon 2023

Information about Ferrara Half Marathon 2023

Running event name: Ferrara Half Marathon 2023

Date and Time: Sunday, September 24, 2023

City: Ferrara


c/o: Duomo

Region: Emilia-Romagna - Province: Ferrara - County: Ferrara

Country: Italy

Latitude and longitude: 44.835598 11.620277

About the event:
La partenza e l’arrivo affiancati al Duomo di Ferrara, all’ombra del Castello Estense, sotto lo sguardo del Savonarola, in una delle Piazze più belle d’Italia.

Poi l’emozione di correre lungo le sponde del grande fiume PO immersi nelle tranquille campagne ferraresi per poi tornare in città e costeggiare le sue antiche Mura Medievali…
Un percorso ricco di storia e natura, completamente pianeggiante e velocissimo…

L’ideale per vivere un grande evento e trovare la tua migliore prestazione!

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: Quest’anno torna anche la nostra Kids Run!
Grazie a FARINA DEL MIO SACCO @farinadelmiosacco_fe che ha creduto nel nostro progetto, sabato 23 settembre alle 16:00 porteremo 150 bimbi e ragazzi a correre il Piazza Trento e Trieste!
Per tutti, tshirt dell’Evento, medaglia, merenda e la possibilità di allenarsi per 2 settimane con la Ferrara Runner’s School YOUNG!

La manifestazione è ludico motoria e aperta a tutti!
Ma affrettatevi perchè ci sono solo 150 posti!


FASCIA GIALLA – dal 2018 al 2020 – 200 mt.
FASCIA AZZURRA – dal 2015 al 2017 – 350 mt.
FASCIA VERDE – dal 2013 al 2014 – 700 mt.
FASCIA ARANCIONE – dal 2010 al 2012 – 1050 mt.

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:

Website: www.corriferrara.it/ferrara-half-marathon


: www.facebook.com/atleticacorriferrara

: www.instagram.com/runnerschoolitalia


: www.youtube.com/@runnersschoolitalia6495

Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

Ferrara Half Marathon 2023 route

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 30 km
(18.6 mi)
Competitive race 30 km course map

3D video animation of the 30 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 30 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 30 km race course map
3D video animation of the 30 km path
Race 2 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Half marathon Half marathon course

3D video of the half marathon path
Discover the race route of the Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 21.1 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 21.0975 km race course map
Race 3 10 km
(6.2 mi)
Non-competitive race 10 km course map

3D video animation of the 10 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 10 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Ferrara Half Marathon 2023, 10 km race course map

Ferrara weather forecast

To see the weather forecast of the Emilia-Romagna region by firenzemeteo.it click on the link or on any of the following maps.

For Ferrara weather forecast click on the link.

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Ferrara as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Disclaimer - "Ferrara Half Marathon 2023" is NOT organized by goandrace.com.
The event information on this website is collected from public sources and believed to be reliable at the time of publication. However, we are not the organizers of these events and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided. The images on goandrace.com are with free license if taken on pexels.com or from unsplash.com or with Creative Commons BY or BY-SA license if taken on wikipedia.org. Learn more here.

Message for running race organizers

Are you part of the organizing committee of the running event named Ferrara Half Marathon 2023 and would you like to be the one to manage the information, adding more details?
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