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Generali Munich Marathon 2024. Info and routes.

Generali Munich Marathon 2024 - Munich, Germany

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Note: "Generali Munich Marathon 2024" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Generali Munich Marathon 2024, map centered on Munich

Generali Munich Marathon 2024
Image by goandrace.com

Information about Generali Munich Marathon 2024

Running event name: Generali Munich Marathon 2024

Date and Time: Sunday, October 13, 2024

City: Munich


c/o: Olympic Park Munich

Country: Germany

Latitude and longitude: 48.173767 11.548769

About the event:
Running 42.195 km requires stamina. Therefor you will rewarded with numerous famous sights of the Bavarian capital. Due to renovation work in the Olympic Stadium, the finish line is at Hans-Jochen-Vogel-Platz right next to the Olympic Hall. The marathon course is officially measured and recognized.

The course runs from the Olympic Park to Leopoldstrasse with the Siegestor, over Schelling- and Theresienstraße to the English Garden. From there, past the Chinese Tower and Bogenhausen with its art nouveau villas, through the eastern part of Munich and over the Isar bridge. Continuing through Isartor, over Tal to Marienplatz and via the Bavarian State Opera to Odeonsplatz. The last 5 kilometers are just spectacular: Via Ludwigstrasse, Leopoldstrasse and Franz-Jospeh-Strasse back to the finish line in the Olympic Park – for the Grand Final!

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:
The clothing drop-off point is located in the Olympic Hall on Marathon Sunday. Please USE ONLY THE GMM SPORTS BAG, which will be issued with your bib number, to hand in your clothes. Please mark your bib number clearly on your GMM sports bag.

For other sports bags or larger items of luggage, we offer a cloakroom at the Infopoint for a fee (€5 per bag). After the race, you can collect your GMM sports bag by 4 pm on presentation of your bib number.

Changing facilities are also available in the Olympic Park.

Aid stations:

Website: www.generalimuenchenmarathon.de


Facebook: www.facebook.com/muenchenmarathon

Instagram: www.instagram.com/muenchenmarathon


YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/GENERALIM%C3%9CNCHENMARATHON

Flier: Not available

Generali Munich Marathon 2024 route

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 42.2 km
(26.2 mi)
Marathon 42.2 km course map

3D video animation of the 42.2 km path
Discover the race route of the Generali Munich Marathon 2024, 42.2 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Generali Munich Marathon 2024, 42.195 km race course map
3D video animation of the 42.2 km path
Race 2 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Half marathon Not available Asphalt
Race 3 10 km
(6.2 mi)
Competitive race Not available Asphalt

Munich weather forecast

Other nearby races

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