Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023. Info and routes.
Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023 - Raleigh, United States
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Disclaimer - "Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023" is NOT organized by Learn more here.
Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023, map centered on Raleigh

Information about Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023
Running event name: Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023
Date and Time: Saturday, April 1, 2023
City: Raleigh
State: North Carolina
Country: United States
Latitude and longitude: 35.77959 -78.638179
About the event:
The Umstead 100 Ultra is a 100 mile endurance run through the William B. Umstead State Park in Raleigh, NC. You have 30 hours to complete the race. There’s also a 50 mile option.
The Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run is designed to help new ultra runners make the leap from 50 mile runs to the more demanding 100 mile runs. It enables runners who have difficulty finishing 100 miles in 24 hours, or just finishing 100 miles at all, the opportunity to do so when severe topography, heat, and getting lost are removed as major obstacles. Many runners find the Umstead 100 an excellent foundation for the Massanutten 100, Western States 100, Leadville 100, and Wasatch 100 runs.
Course highlights
The start/finish line is located at the Camp Lapihio Headquarters. Each loop begins and ends at the south door of the headquarters building.
The course is essentially a 12.5-mile lap in Umstead Park that you repeat eight times to reach 100 miles. You go counter-clockwise around the course:
You start at Race Headquarters and run the first part of the Headquarters Spur.
Then make a right turn and run out the Airport Spur.
You turn around and run back the Airport Spur.
Then you run the remainder of the Headquarters Spur, which leads to the large loop.
You then run around the loop and finish the lap by returning to Race Headquarters via the Headquarters Spur.
The Headquarters Spur (orange) is 1.85 miles long. This spur allows you to see fellow runners up to 5.3 miles behind and in front of you. The Airport Spur is .75-mile long, and branches off the Headquarters Spur at the 0.6 mile point of each loop. The Airport Spur is run only on the outbound leg of a lap.
The course is along a running, biking, and horse trail. The trail width varies between 8 and 15 feet and the footing is excellent. There is no single track trail on the course. All creek crossings are on permanent bridges. The course is an outstanding running surface. However, on the vehicle access road portion of the course leading into Camp Lapihio/Race Headquarters (.4 mile), there is larger crushed gravel that is typical for automotive traffic. The picture below is a typical part of the gravel trail. While you might be running fast enough to need that SLOW sign, it's really for the mountain bikers who might be coming AT you down the hill at warp speed. Stay alert!
Other notes:
Virtual Race? No
Trail? Yes
Cross country event? No
Multi-stage event? No
Initiatives for children and families: No information
How to apply and entry fee:
Award Description:
Dressing rooms:
Aid stations:
Flier: Not available
Final ranking: Not available
Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run 2023 route
# | Length | Race type | Route and gpx file | Terrain type |
Race 1 | 160.9 km (100 mi) |
Ultramarathon | Not available | Mostly asphalt |
Raleigh weather forecast
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