
4° Ultramarathon du Fallère | 2023 Course | Altimetry

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: 2023 route, altimetry, uphill/downhill statistics, gpx file

Note: "4° Ultramarathon du Fallère" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère course map. Lenght: 61 km (37.9 mi).

61 km (37.9 mi) course map of the event "4° Ultramarathon du Fallère" in Saint Oyen, in the Province of Aosta (Saturday, August 5, 2023). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: 4° Ultramarathon du Fallère, fly over the path (3D video).

GPS track - .gpx file download

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.

 .gpx file download

NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the 4° Ultramarathon du Fallère event page.

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: route altimetric information

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: GNR-GAP index (v 1.0, experimental, see more)

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: interactive route

You can set the km (or mile) markers and you can select different types of layers (Satellite or Openstreetmap).

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: altimetry graph

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: slope graph

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: percentage distribution of slope

4° Ultramarathon du Fallère: Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 1311 1472 +161 +16.1% 1298 1406 174 13
KM 1-2 1472 1818 +347 +34.7% 1484 1803 347 0
KM 2-3 1818 2077 +259 +25.9% 1839 2077 259 0
KM 3-4 2077 2385 +308 +30.8% 2090 2364 308 0
KM 4-5 2385 2552 +167 +16.7% 2406 2548 172 5
KM 5-6 2552 2485 -67 -6.7% 2496 2605 55 122
KM 6-7 2485 2277 -208 -20.8% 2288 2433 0 208
KM 7-8 2277 2133 -144 -14.4% 2156 2277 0 144
KM 8-9 2133 2003 -130 -13.0% 2003 2125 0 130
KM 9-10 2003 1938 -65 -6.5% 1931 1995 0 65
KM 10-11 1938 1922 -16 -1.6% 1924 1947 1 17
KM 11-12 1922 1897 -25 -2.5% 1899 1917 0 25
KM 12-13 1897 1926 +29 +2.9% 1880 1919 46 17
KM 13-14 1926 2028 +102 +10.2% 1928 2024 102 0
KM 14-15 2028 2316 +288 +28.8% 2042 2296 288 0
KM 15-16 2316 2427 +111 +11.1% 2318 2408 111 0
KM 16-17 2427 2553 +126 +12.6% 2429 2539 134 8
KM 17-18 2553 2439 -114 -11.4% 2449 2595 42 156
KM 18-19 2439 2255 -184 -18.4% 2256 2434 0 184
KM 19-20 2255 2266 +11 +1.1% 2204 2249 62 51
KM 20-21 2266 2385 +119 +11.9% 2268 2371 119 0
KM 21-22 2385 2527 +142 +14.2% 2387 2518 142 0
KM 22-23 2527 2795 +268 +26.8% 2529 2780 268 0
KM 23-24 2795 3010 +215 +21.5% 2797 3038 243 28
KM 24-25 3010 2640 -369 -36.9% 2648 2967 0 369
KM 25-26 2640 2483 -157 -15.7% 2514 2640 0 157
KM 26-27 2483 2378 -105 -10.5% 2364 2445 14 119
KM 27-28 2378 2464 +86 +8.6% 2379 2462 86 0
KM 28-29 2464 2679 +215 +21.5% 2473 2677 215 0
KM 29-30 2679 2647 -32 -3.2% 2670 2758 73 105
KM 30-31 2647 2587 -60 -6.0% 2618 2677 27 87
KM 31-32 2587 2574 -12 -1.2% 2549 2613 57 69
KM 32-33 2574 2256 -318 -31.8% 2257 2543 0 318
KM 33-34 2256 1970 -286 -28.6% 1984 2242 0 286
KM 34-35 1970 1763 -207 -20.7% 1757 1964 0 207
KM 35-36 1763 1786 +23 +2.3% 1757 1789 45 22
KM 36-37 1786 1780 -6 -0.6% 1766 1781 12 18
KM 37-38 1780 1679 -101 -10.1% 1703 1782 3 104
KM 38-39 1679 1675 -4 -0.4% 1617 1671 55 59
KM 39-40 1675 1757 +82 +8.2% 1676 1756 82 0
KM 40-41 1757 1773 +16 +1.6% 1759 1773 16 0
KM 41-42 1773 1790 +17 +1.7% 1776 1779 17 0
KM 42-43 1790 1812 +22 +2.2% 1792 1809 22 0
KM 43-44 1812 1862 +50 +5.0% 1815 1856 50 0
KM 44-45 1862 1971 +109 +10.9% 1889 1973 109 0
KM 45-46 1971 2131 +160 +16.0% 1971 2131 160 0
KM 46-47 2131 2337 +205 +20.5% 2131 2334 205 0
KM 47-48 2337 2582 +245 +24.5% 2339 2574 245 0
KM 48-49 2582 2633 +51 +5.1% 2583 2723 139 88
KM 49-50 2633 2400 -233 -23.3% 2401 2633 0 233
KM 50-51 2400 2251 -149 -14.9% 2247 2399 0 149
KM 51-52 2251 2247 -4 -0.4% 2240 2266 18 22
KM 52-53 2247 2236 -11 -1.1% 2223 2249 11 22
KM 53-54 2236 2053 -183 -18.3% 2053 2239 3 186
KM 54-55 2053 1785 -267 -26.7% 1788 2052 0 267
KM 55-56 1785 1616 -170 -17.0% 1616 1780 0 170
KM 56-57 1616 1486 -129 -12.9% 1497 1626 0 129
KM 57-58 1486 1518 +32 +3.2% 1467 1511 51 19
KM 58-59 1518 1375 -143 -14.3% 1375 1523 0 143
KM 59-60 1375 1360 -15 -1.5% 1361 1375 3 18
KM 60-61 1360 1318 -42 -4.2% 1335 1361 1 43
KM 61-61.06 1318 1315 -3 -0.3% 1315 1315 0 3

GNR-GAP index - Go&Race Algorithm Estimate

Based on the elevation profile analysis, running on this course is estimated to result in a pace that is 71.3% slower.

For example, a runner who maintains a pace of 5'00"/km (8'03"/mi) on a flat 61.1 km course, corresponding to a finish time of 5h05'17", is estimated to complete this course in 8h42'50". The recalculated average pace (GAP) improves to 8'34"/km (13'47"/mi), making it 3'34"/km (5'44"/mi) slower.

The following graph illustrates the Pace Adjustment (PA) factor applied to the pace along the course. The horizontal red line represents a PA of 1, meaning no pace adjustment. Above the line, the pace is slower; below the line, it is faster. The table below also provides estimates for other pace ranges.

Predict your race or analyze your performance!

This following table shows simulations for paces between 3 and 8'/km.

To estimate a possible race time, use the "Pace" or "Time without slopes" column, which are valid for a flat course.
For example, if you think you can cover this distance on a flat course at a pace of 4'40"/km (or 7'31"/mi), i.e. in a time of 4h44'56", the estimate is to complete this course in 8h07'58", corresponding to a pace of 8'00"/km (or 12'52"/mi).

If you have run this race, use the table to estimate the equivalent time on a flat course. Check the "GAP" column and find the value closest to your pace, or compare the "Time with slopes" column with your time: on the same row you will find the pace and the equivalent time on a flat course in the "Pace" and "Time without slopes" columns.
For example, a time of 7h50'33" (pace of 7'42"/km or 12'24"/mi) corresponds to a time of 4h34'46" on a flat course (pace of 4'30"/km or 7'15"/mi).

Pace (min/km) Pace (min/mile) Time without slopes (hh:mm:ss) Time with slopes (hh:mm:ss) GAP (min/km) Δ Pace (min/km) GAP (min/mile) Δ Pace (min/mile)

Notes on the calculation of the length of the route, on the altimetry and on the slope

Note 1: the length of the route is calculated using the geographic coordinates of the points that compose it, thanks to a specific formula. This value may differ slightly from the official length declared by the organizers of the race, which is valid in case of discrepancies.
Note 2: the altimetry may not correspond exactly to the real values. For routes obtained via Google API, it is possible that the altitude is that of the terrain, without considering the presence of any tunnels or viaducts. If, however, the route was obtained from GPS tracking (for example with sports watches), the error is arbitrary and may depend both on the GPS coverage at the time it was recorded and on the performance of the device used.
Note 3: the percentage slope is found by calculating considering sections of at least 50 meters and is subsequently subjected to a "smoothing" process to reduce the possibility of artifacts and obtain a more realistic trend. For classification purposes, roads with gradients between -3% and +3% are considered flat, those with gradients between +3% and +7% are uphill, and those with gradients greater than +7% are considered steep. The same classification applies to descents. This classification is to be considered arbitrary and is a choice of goandrace.com.