
Ultra X Jordan 2023, course map and altimetry

Ultra X Jordan 2023: route, altimetry, gpx

Note: "Ultra X Jordan 2023" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Ultra X Jordan 2023 course map. Lenght: 49.7 km (30.9 mi).

On this page is shown the 49.7 km (30.9 mi) course map of the event "Ultra X Jordan 2023" in Wadi Rum Village (Monday, October 2, 2023). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: Ultra X Jordan 2023, fly over the path (3D video).

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the Ultra X Jordan 2023 event page.

Path statistics

Ultra X Jordan 2023, interactive route

Here you can set the km (or mile) markers. You can start an animation by clicking on the button 'Animate'. On the map you can select different types of layers (by Google or Openstreetmap).

Click to start animation along the route


Note 1: the path length, here calculated using Google Map, may be different from that declared by the race organizers. Accept as true the latter.
Note 2: the elevation and slope are estimated again using Google and may differ from the real ones. Pay attention to any paths with tunnels or viaducts, because the altitude calculated by Google is not that of the road, but rather the land!
Note 3: the slope is found by calculating the change in altitude of at least 150 m (492 ft) long sections. Level roads: slopes between -3% and +3%. Uphill roads: slopes between +3% and +7%. Steep hill upwards: slopes greater than +7%. Similar classification for descents.

Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 1013 996 -17 -1.7% 981 1019 21 38
KM 1-2 996 1004 +9 +0.9% 982 1009 27 18
KM 2-3 1004 1014 +9 +0.9% 997 1015 23 14
KM 3-4 1014 1045 +31 +3.1% 994 1043 51 20
KM 4-5 1045 1047 +3 +0.3% 1023 1058 32 29
KM 5-6 1047 1023 -24 -2.4% 1015 1072 9 33
KM 6-7 1023 1023 0 0% 1005 1026 21 21
KM 7-8 1023 975 -48 -4.8% 975 1023 2 50
KM 8-9 975 973 -2 -0.2% 961 985 25 27
KM 9-10 973 942 -31 -3.1% 941 968 0 31
KM 10-11 942 924 -18 -1.8% 925 944 17 35
KM 11-12 924 922 -2 -0.2% 907 934 35 37
KM 12-13 922 889 -34 -3.4% 879 924 9 42
KM 13-14 889 894 +6 +0.6% 886 895 8 3
KM 14-15 894 896 +2 +0.2% 889 904 19 17
KM 15-16 896 936 +40 +4.0% 898 936 65 25
KM 16-17 936 964 +28 +2.8% 914 965 48 20
KM 17-18 964 978 +14 +1.4% 943 980 28 14
KM 18-19 978 982 +3 +0.3% 975 989 14 10
KM 19-20 982 967 -15 -1.5% 965 982 5 20
KM 20-21 967 971 +4 +0.4% 961 986 24 20
KM 21-22 971 974 +3 +0.3% 961 995 37 34
KM 22-23 974 998 +24 +2.4% 966 1001 44 20
KM 23-24 998 1017 +19 +1.9% 987 1017 29 10
KM 24-25 1017 1004 -13 -1.3% 997 1019 25 38
KM 25-26 1004 1015 +11 +1.1% 1003 1029 27 16
KM 26-27 1015 1057 +42 +4.2% 1017 1058 50 8
KM 27-28 1057 1075 +18 +1.8% 1054 1081 34 16
KM 28-29 1075 1110 +35 +3.5% 1074 1107 52 17
KM 29-30 1110 1120 +11 +1.1% 1104 1133 44 34
KM 30-31 1120 1110 -10 -1.0% 1091 1122 18 28
KM 31-32 1110 1077 -33 -3.3% 1065 1108 10 43
KM 32-33 1077 1087 +10 +1.0% 1070 1093 21 11
KM 33-34 1087 1053 -34 -3.4% 1048 1088 9 43
KM 34-35 1053 1060 +7 +0.7% 1041 1066 24 17
KM 35-36 1060 1101 +41 +4.1% 1060 1103 41 0
KM 36-37 1101 1051 -50 -5.0% 1044 1100 11 61
KM 37-38 1051 1065 +14 +1.4% 1047 1067 34 20
KM 38-39 1065 1102 +37 +3.7% 1055 1106 44 7
KM 39-40 1102 1113 +11 +1.1% 1094 1116 31 20
KM 40-41 1113 1098 -15 -1.5% 1094 1126 16 31
KM 41-42 1098 1103 +5 +0.5% 1098 1122 33 28
KM 42-43 1103 1069 -34 -3.4% 1070 1106 7 41
KM 43-44 1069 1068 -1 -0.1% 1052 1075 21 22
KM 44-45 1068 1064 -4 -0.4% 1038 1093 55 59
KM 45-46 1064 1042 -23 -2.3% 1040 1066 9 31
KM 46-47 1042 1021 -21 -2.1% 1011 1043 14 35
KM 47-48 1021 991 -30 -3.0% 991 1030 24 54
KM 48-49 991 1011 +20 +2.0% 991 1031 56 36
KM 49-49.70 1011 1008 -3 -0.3% 999 1010 0 217