
Leadville Trail 100 Run | 2024 Course | Altimetry

Leadville Trail 100 Run: 2024 route, altimetry, uphill/downhill statistics, gpx file

Note: "Leadville Trail 100 Run" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Leadville Trail 100 Run course map. Lenght: 160.9 km (100 mi).

160.9 km (100 mi) course map of the event "Leadville Trail 100 Run" in Leadville, Colorado (Saturday, August 17, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: Leadville Trail 100 Run, fly over the path (3D video).

GPS track - .gpx file download

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.

 .gpx file download

NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the Leadville Trail 100 Run event page.

Leadville Trail 100 Run: route altimetric information

Leadville Trail 100 Run: GNR-GAP index (v 1.0, experimental, see more)

Leadville Trail 100 Run: interactive route

You can set the km (or mile) markers and you can select different types of layers (Satellite or Openstreetmap).

Leadville Trail 100 Run: altimetry graph

Leadville Trail 100 Run: slope graph

Leadville Trail 100 Run: percentage distribution of slope

Leadville Trail 100 Run: Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 3060 3057 -3 -0.3% 3058 3060 0 3
KM 1-2 3057 3024 -34 -3.4% 3026 3056 0 34
KM 2-3 3024 3003 -21 -2.1% 3009 3021 0 21
KM 3-4 3003 2979 -24 -2.4% 2984 3002 0 24
KM 4-5 2979 2968 -10 -1.0% 2974 2979 0 10
KM 5-6 2968 2945 -24 -2.4% 2945 2968 0 24
KM 6-7 2945 2954 +9 +0.9% 2946 2953 9 0
KM 7-8 2954 2956 +3 +0.3% 2955 2956 3 0
KM 8-9 2956 2996 +40 +4.0% 2957 2995 40 0
KM 9-10 2996 3012 +16 +1.6% 2999 3013 17 1
KM 10-11 3012 3011 -1 -0.1% 3011 3012 0 2
KM 11-12 3011 3011 0 0% 3011 3011 0 1
KM 12-13 3011 3015 +4 +0.4% 3011 3015 4 0
KM 13-14 3015 3017 +2 +0.2% 3015 3017 2 0
KM 14-15 3017 3018 +1 +0.1% 3018 3019 2 1
KM 15-16 3018 3019 +1 +0.1% 3018 3020 2 1
KM 16-17 3019 3016 -4 -0.4% 3016 3019 0 4
KM 17-18 3016 3015 -1 -0.1% 3014 3016 1 2
KM 18-19 3015 3014 -1 -0.1% 3014 3024 9 10
KM 19-20 3014 3025 +12 +1.2% 3013 3022 12 0
KM 20-21 3025 3071 +46 +4.6% 3025 3071 46 0
KM 21-22 3071 3076 +5 +0.5% 3074 3087 16 10
KM 22-23 3076 3088 +12 +1.2% 3068 3082 20 8
KM 23-24 3088 3166 +78 +7.8% 3090 3165 78 0
KM 24-25 3166 3195 +29 +2.9% 3170 3192 29 0
KM 25-26 3195 3256 +60 +6.0% 3198 3255 60 0
KM 26-27 3256 3325 +69 +6.9% 3260 3325 69 0
KM 27-28 3325 3380 +55 +5.5% 3330 3378 55 0
KM 28-29 3380 3362 -18 -1.8% 3363 3385 4 22
KM 29-30 3362 3290 -72 -7.2% 3293 3359 0 72
KM 30-31 3290 3229 -61 -6.1% 3232 3289 0 61
KM 31-32 3229 3134 -95 -9.5% 3140 3228 0 95
KM 32-33 3134 3039 -95 -9.5% 3043 3133 0 95
KM 33-34 3039 2957 -81 -8.1% 2967 3032 0 81
KM 34-35 2957 2944 -13 -1.3% 2934 2956 11 24
KM 35-36 2944 2935 -9 -0.9% 2937 2946 2 11
KM 36-37 2935 2912 -23 -2.3% 2912 2935 0 23
KM 37-38 2912 2904 -8 -0.8% 2904 2910 0 8
KM 38-39 2904 2895 -9 -0.9% 2896 2903 0 9
KM 39-40 2895 2892 -4 -0.4% 2891 2895 0 4
KM 40-41 2892 2903 +12 +1.2% 2892 2902 12 0
KM 41-42 2903 2912 +9 +0.9% 2906 2910 9 0
KM 42-43 2912 2933 +21 +2.1% 2915 2933 21 0
KM 43-44 2933 2940 +6 +0.6% 2935 2939 6 0
KM 44-45 2940 2938 -2 -0.2% 2938 2941 1 3
KM 45-46 2938 2946 +9 +0.9% 2937 2946 10 1
KM 46-47 2946 2982 +35 +3.5% 2950 2980 35 0
KM 47-48 2982 2998 +17 +1.7% 2982 2997 17 0
KM 48-49 2998 3004 +6 +0.6% 2999 3005 6 0
KM 49-50 3004 3041 +36 +3.6% 3005 3039 36 0
KM 50-51 3041 3060 +20 +2.0% 3044 3060 20 0
KM 51-52 3060 3088 +27 +2.7% 3061 3086 27 0
KM 52-53 3088 3146 +58 +5.8% 3089 3143 58 0
KM 53-54 3146 3153 +7 +0.7% 3148 3155 9 2
KM 54-55 3153 3212 +59 +5.9% 3151 3209 61 3
KM 55-56 3212 3192 -20 -2.0% 3191 3223 11 31
KM 56-57 3192 3205 +14 +1.4% 3193 3212 20 6
KM 57-58 3205 3119 -87 -8.7% 3121 3201 0 87
KM 58-59 3119 3025 -94 -9.4% 3026 3110 0 94
KM 59-60 3025 2960 -64 -6.4% 2961 3025 0 64
KM 60-61 2960 2828 -132 -13.2% 2831 2954 0 132
KM 61-62 2828 2809 -18 -1.8% 2810 2827 0 18
KM 62-63 2809 2808 -2 -0.2% 2807 2809 1 3
KM 63-64 2808 2814 +7 +0.7% 2806 2813 8 2
KM 64-65 2814 2916 +102 +10.2% 2815 2913 102 0
KM 65-66 2916 3073 +157 +15.7% 2924 3064 157 0
KM 66-67 3073 3273 +200 +20.0% 3086 3273 200 0
KM 67-68 3273 3385 +112 +11.2% 3280 3383 112 0
KM 68-69 3385 3510 +125 +12.5% 3389 3506 125 0
KM 69-70 3510 3658 +148 +14.8% 3512 3658 148 0
KM 70-71 3658 3793 +135 +13.5% 3663 3801 141 6
KM 71-72 3793 3623 -171 -17.1% 3630 3789 0 171
KM 72-73 3623 3448 -175 -17.5% 3451 3619 0 175
KM 73-74 3448 3230 -218 -21.8% 3240 3445 0 218
KM 74-75 3230 3078 -152 -15.2% 3079 3230 0 152
KM 75-76 3078 3090 +12 +1.2% 3078 3089 12 0
KM 76-77 3090 3128 +38 +3.8% 3091 3123 38 0
KM 77-78 3128 3194 +65 +6.5% 3130 3193 65 0
KM 78-79 3194 3192 -1 -0.1% 3196 3204 10 12
KM 79-80 3192 3140 -52 -5.2% 3144 3191 0 52
KM 80-81 3140 3128 -12 -1.2% 3124 3139 4 16
KM 81-82 3128 3188 +60 +6.0% 3129 3186 60 0
KM 82-83 3188 3199 +12 +1.2% 3191 3204 16 4
KM 83-84 3199 3145 -54 -5.4% 3151 3198 0 54
KM 84-85 3145 3093 -52 -5.2% 3093 3143 0 52
KM 85-86 3093 3081 -11 -1.1% 3081 3093 0 12
KM 86-87 3081 3161 +80 +8.0% 3080 3149 82 2
KM 87-88 3161 3395 +234 +23.4% 3161 3395 234 0
KM 88-89 3395 3559 +164 +16.4% 3404 3551 164 0
KM 89-90 3559 3749 +191 +19.1% 3560 3748 191 0
KM 90-91 3749 3710 -39 -3.9% 3713 3795 46 85
KM 91-92 3710 3555 -156 -15.6% 3567 3699 0 156
KM 92-93 3555 3411 -144 -14.4% 3414 3554 0 144
KM 93-94 3411 3294 -117 -11.7% 3294 3404 0 117
KM 94-95 3294 3085 -208 -20.8% 3088 3286 0 208
KM 95-96 3085 2946 -140 -14.0% 2955 3073 0 140
KM 96-97 2946 2816 -130 -13.0% 2816 2940 0 130
KM 97-98 2816 2807 -9 -0.9% 2806 2814 1 10
KM 98-99 2807 2809 +2 +0.2% 2807 2809 2 0
KM 99-100 2809 2824 +15 +1.5% 2809 2823 15 0
KM 100-101 2824 2943 +120 +12.0% 2827 2943 120 0
KM 101-102 2943 3017 +74 +7.4% 2948 3016 74 0
KM 102-103 3017 3112 +94 +9.4% 3018 3100 94 0
KM 103-104 3112 3211 +99 +9.9% 3112 3210 99 0
KM 104-105 3211 3192 -19 -1.9% 3192 3213 2 21
KM 105-106 3192 3214 +22 +2.2% 3192 3225 33 11
KM 106-107 3214 3152 -62 -6.2% 3148 3211 2 64
KM 107-108 3152 3143 -10 -1.0% 3145 3157 4 14
KM 108-109 3143 3082 -61 -6.1% 3085 3140 0 61
KM 109-110 3082 3060 -22 -2.2% 3061 3082 0 22
KM 110-111 3060 3035 -26 -2.6% 3037 3060 0 26
KM 111-112 3035 3003 -31 -3.1% 3003 3032 0 31
KM 112-113 3003 2997 -7 -0.7% 2997 3006 2 9
KM 113-114 2997 2981 -16 -1.6% 2981 2995 0 16
KM 114-115 2981 2942 -39 -3.9% 2943 2980 0 39
KM 115-116 2942 2938 -4 -0.4% 2936 2941 2 5
KM 116-117 2938 2940 +2 +0.2% 2938 2940 2 0
KM 117-118 2940 2927 -13 -1.3% 2927 2940 0 13
KM 118-119 2927 2914 -12 -1.2% 2917 2924 0 12
KM 119-120 2914 2900 -15 -1.5% 2902 2913 0 15
KM 120-121 2900 2891 -8 -0.8% 2891 2899 1 9
KM 121-122 2891 2896 +5 +0.5% 2892 2896 5 0
KM 122-123 2896 2906 +9 +0.9% 2897 2905 9 0
KM 123-124 2906 2911 +5 +0.5% 2907 2909 5 0
KM 124-125 2911 2939 +28 +2.8% 2911 2939 28 0
KM 125-126 2939 2940 +1 +0.1% 2940 2947 7 6
KM 126-127 2940 2958 +18 +1.8% 2930 2955 26 9
KM 127-128 2958 3045 +88 +8.8% 2962 3039 88 0
KM 128-129 3045 3146 +100 +10.0% 3050 3145 100 0
KM 129-130 3146 3238 +92 +9.2% 3152 3237 92 0
KM 130-131 3238 3302 +64 +6.4% 3242 3300 64 0
KM 131-132 3302 3369 +67 +6.7% 3306 3367 67 0
KM 132-133 3369 3376 +6 +0.6% 3370 3384 15 8
KM 133-134 3376 3316 -59 -5.9% 3317 3374 0 59
KM 134-135 3316 3241 -75 -7.5% 3243 3315 0 75
KM 135-136 3241 3187 -54 -5.4% 3188 3237 0 54
KM 136-137 3187 3162 -25 -2.5% 3165 3184 0 25
KM 137-138 3162 3073 -89 -8.9% 3075 3160 0 89
KM 138-139 3073 3076 +3 +0.3% 3069 3076 7 4
KM 139-140 3076 3065 -12 -1.2% 3068 3090 14 25
KM 140-141 3065 3022 -42 -4.2% 3024 3064 0 42
KM 141-142 3022 3019 -3 -0.3% 3016 3022 3 7
KM 142-143 3019 3015 -4 -0.4% 3016 3024 5 8
KM 143-144 3015 3017 +1 +0.1% 3015 3017 1 0
KM 144-145 3017 3019 +2 +0.2% 3017 3019 2 0
KM 145-146 3019 3018 -1 -0.1% 3017 3019 2 3
KM 146-147 3018 3017 -1 -0.1% 3017 3019 1 2
KM 147-148 3017 3013 -4 -0.4% 3013 3016 0 4
KM 148-149 3013 3010 -3 -0.3% 3010 3013 0 3
KM 149-150 3010 3011 +1 +0.1% 3010 3011 1 0
KM 150-151 3011 3013 +2 +0.2% 3011 3013 2 0
KM 151-152 3013 2989 -24 -2.4% 2992 3014 1 25
KM 152-153 2989 2955 -34 -3.4% 2956 2987 0 34
KM 153-154 2955 2952 -3 -0.3% 2953 2955 0 3
KM 154-155 2952 2942 -10 -1.0% 2943 2952 0 10
KM 155-156 2942 2966 +24 +2.4% 2942 2963 24 0
KM 156-157 2966 2980 +15 +1.5% 2968 2980 15 0
KM 157-158 2980 3007 +27 +2.7% 2984 3005 27 0
KM 158-159 3007 3026 +18 +1.8% 3011 3023 18 0
KM 159-160 3026 3052 +27 +2.7% 3028 3052 27 0
KM 160-160.90 3052 3053 +1 +0.1% 3053 3053 1 0

GNR-GAP index - Go&Race Algorithm Estimate

Based on the elevation profile analysis, running on this course is estimated to result in a pace that is 22.8% slower.

For example, a runner who maintains a pace of 5'00"/km (8'03"/mi) on a flat 160.9 km course, corresponding to a finish time of 13h24'29", is estimated to complete this course in 16h27'58". The recalculated average pace (GAP) improves to 6'08"/km (9'53"/mi), making it 1'08"/km (1'50"/mi) slower.

The following graph illustrates the Pace Adjustment (PA) factor applied to the pace along the course. The horizontal red line represents a PA of 1, meaning no pace adjustment. Above the line, the pace is slower; below the line, it is faster. The table below also provides estimates for other pace ranges.

Predict your race or analyze your performance!

This following table shows simulations for paces between 3 and 8'/km.

To estimate a possible race time, use the "Pace" or "Time without slopes" column, which are valid for a flat course.
For example, if you think you can cover this distance on a flat course at a pace of 4'40"/km (or 7'31"/mi), i.e. in a time of 12h30'50", the estimate is to complete this course in 15h22'05", corresponding to a pace of 5'44"/km (or 9'13"/mi).

If you have run this race, use the table to estimate the equivalent time on a flat course. Check the "GAP" column and find the value closest to your pace, or compare the "Time with slopes" column with your time: on the same row you will find the pace and the equivalent time on a flat course in the "Pace" and "Time without slopes" columns.
For example, a time of 14h49'10" (pace of 5'32"/km or 8'54"/mi) corresponds to a time of 12h04'02" on a flat course (pace of 4'30"/km or 7'15"/mi).

Pace (min/km) Pace (min/mile) Time without slopes (hh:mm:ss) Time with slopes (hh:mm:ss) GAP (min/km) Δ Pace (min/km) GAP (min/mile) Δ Pace (min/mile)

Notes on the calculation of the length of the route, on the altimetry and on the slope

Note 1: the length of the route is calculated using the geographic coordinates of the points that compose it, thanks to a specific formula. This value may differ slightly from the official length declared by the organizers of the race, which is valid in case of discrepancies.
Note 2: the altimetry may not correspond exactly to the real values. For routes obtained via Google API, it is possible that the altitude is that of the terrain, without considering the presence of any tunnels or viaducts. If, however, the route was obtained from GPS tracking (for example with sports watches), the error is arbitrary and may depend both on the GPS coverage at the time it was recorded and on the performance of the device used.
Note 3: the percentage slope is found by calculating considering sections of at least 50 meters and is subsequently subjected to a "smoothing" process to reduce the possibility of artifacts and obtain a more realistic trend. For classification purposes, roads with gradients between -3% and +3% are considered flat, those with gradients between +3% and +7% are uphill, and those with gradients greater than +7% are considered steep. The same classification applies to descents. This classification is to be considered arbitrary and is a choice of goandrace.com.