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Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023. Info and routes.

Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023 - Harpers Ferry, United States

Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 08:00

Disclaimer - "Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023" is NOT organized by goandrace.com. Learn more here.

Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023, map centered on Harpers Ferry

Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023

Information about Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023

Running event name: Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023

Date and Time: Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 08:00

City: Harpers Ferry



State: West Virginia

Country: United States

Latitude and longitude: 39.325379 -77.738882

About the event:
The half marathon runs almost completely within the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and the preserved Civil War era towns of Bolivar and Harpers Ferry on a mix of trail, road, and crushed gravel paths. The view over the confluence of the Shenandoah and the Potomac rivers is gorgeous.

A Race Through History
The Harper's Ferry Half & 5k was a vision of locals as a way to showcase the beautiful landscape of our region while highlighting the rich history surrounding it. The Harpers Ferry Half races take you to scenic overlooks, through a historic Down Town where civil war ruins stand as a reminder of America's history, up (a few hills) passing historical homes to a view overlooking the beautiful town nestled between two rivers.

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:

Website: www.harpersferryhalf.org


: www.facebook.com/freedomsrunraceseries

: www.instagram.com/freedomsrunwv



Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023 route

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Half marathon Half marathon course

3D video of the half marathon path
Not available
Discover the race route of the Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023, 21.1 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023, 21.0975 km race course map
3D video of the half marathon path
Race 2 5 km
(3.1 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Not available

Harpers Ferry weather forecast

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Harpers Ferry as the crow flies are reported here.

Country Region or State City Event name Info
United States Virginia Hillsboro Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon 2023 Link

Disclaimer - "Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2023" is NOT organized by goandrace.com.
The event information on this website is collected from public sources and believed to be reliable at the time of publication. However, we are not the organizers of these events and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided. The images on goandrace.com are with free license if taken on pexels.com or from unsplash.com or with Creative Commons BY or BY-SA license if taken on wikipedia.org. Learn more here.

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