
2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon | Course | Altimetry

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: route, altitude, uphill/downhill statistics, gpx file

Note: "2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon course map. Lenght: 164 km (101.9 mi).

164 km (101.9 mi) course map of the event "2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon" in Bursa (Friday, April 19, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: 2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon, fly over the path (3D video).

GPS track - .gpx file download

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.

 .gpx file download

NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the 2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon event page.

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: route altimetric information

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: GNR-GAP index (v 1.0, experimental, see more)

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: interactive route

You can set the km (or mile) markers and you can select different types of layers (Satellite or Openstreetmap).

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: altimetry graph

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: slope graph

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: percentage distribution of slope

2024 Iznik Ultra Marathon: Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0.013310023758453-1 99 93 -6 -0.6% 93 99 0 6
KM 1-2 93 90 -3 -0.3% 89 94 1 4
KM 2-3 90 92 +2 +0.2% 89 92 4 2
KM 3-4 92 97 +5 +0.5% 91 101 8 3
KM 4-5 97 88 -10 -1.0% 87 97 0 10
KM 5-6 88 89 +2 +0.2% 87 89 2 0
KM 6-7 89 96 +7 +0.7% 89 96 7 0
KM 7-8 96 105 +9 +0.9% 96 105 10 1
KM 8-9 105 130 +25 +2.5% 106 130 25 0
KM 9-10 130 133 +3 +0.3% 130 143 12 9
KM 10-11 133 114 -19 -1.9% 112 133 1 20
KM 11-12 114 109 -5 -0.5% 108 116 2 7
KM 12-13 109 109 0 0% 108 110 2 2
KM 13-14 109 109 0 0% 108 112 2 2
KM 14-15 109 109 0 0% 109 111 1 1
KM 15-16 109 110 +1 +0.1% 109 110 1 0
KM 16-17 110 134 +24 +2.4% 110 141 31 7
KM 17-18 134 150 +15 +1.5% 132 149 17 2
KM 18-19 150 143 -7 -0.7% 142 162 12 19
KM 19-20 143 99 -44 -4.4% 98 142 1 45
KM 20-21 99 88 -11 -1.1% 88 99 1 12
KM 21-22 88 86 -2 -0.2% 86 90 4 6
KM 22-23 86 84 -2 -0.2% 83 87 0 2
KM 23-24 84 83 -1 -0.1% 82 87 4 5
KM 24-25 83 158 +75 +7.5% 82 157 75 0
KM 25-26 158 254 +96 +9.6% 159 255 98 2
KM 26-27 254 370 +116 +11.6% 254 369 116 0
KM 27-28 370 403 +33 +3.3% 370 454 89 56
KM 28-29 403 452 +49 +4.9% 402 456 49 0
KM 29-30 452 473 +21 +2.1% 451 474 21 0
KM 30-31 473 415 -58 -5.8% 416 473 4 62
KM 31-32 415 311 -104 -10.4% 311 414 0 104
KM 32-33 311 171 -140 -14.0% 172 308 0 140
KM 33-34 171 138 -33 -3.3% 138 170 0 33
KM 34-35 138 113 -25 -2.5% 104 143 9 34
KM 35-36 113 144 +31 +3.1% 104 143 34 3
KM 36-37 144 288 +144 +14.4% 144 286 144 0
KM 37-38 288 468 +180 +18.0% 290 469 180 0
KM 38-39 468 558 +90 +9.0% 468 558 90 0
KM 39-40 558 628 +70 +7.0% 555 627 70 0
KM 40-41 628 562 -66 -6.6% 562 630 0 66
KM 41-42 562 620 +58 +5.8% 559 620 60 2
KM 42-43 620 656 +36 +3.6% 620 669 46 10
KM 43-44 656 613 -42 -4.2% 614 656 0 42
KM 44-45 613 575 -38 -3.8% 575 610 5 43
KM 45-46 575 641 +66 +6.6% 574 641 66 0
KM 46-47 641 703 +62 +6.2% 641 707 64 2
KM 47-48 703 568 -135 -13.5% 569 703 6 141
KM 48-49 568 474 -94 -9.4% 475 568 0 94
KM 49-50 474 383 -92 -9.2% 383 474 0 92
KM 50-51 383 412 +30 +3.0% 372 412 37 8
KM 51-52 412 505 +92 +9.2% 413 504 92 0
KM 52-53 505 441 -64 -6.4% 440 509 5 69
KM 53-54 441 467 +26 +2.6% 441 506 62 36
KM 54-55 467 506 +39 +3.9% 455 506 57 18
KM 55-56 506 605 +99 +9.9% 506 604 99 0
KM 56-57 605 666 +61 +6.1% 598 667 79 18
KM 57-58 666 565 -101 -10.1% 571 682 15 116
KM 58-59 565 403 -162 -16.2% 401 560 0 162
KM 59-60 403 203 -200 -20.0% 203 405 0 200
KM 60-61 203 216 +13 +1.3% 186 220 28 15
KM 61-62 216 246 +30 +3.0% 205 245 45 15
KM 62-63 246 240 -6 -0.6% 236 253 10 16
KM 63-64 240 241 +1 +0.1% 212 248 35 34
KM 64-65 241 240 -1 -0.1% 239 260 28 29
KM 65-66 240 258 +18 +1.8% 242 299 59 41
KM 66-67 258 200 -58 -5.8% 199 259 3 61
KM 67-68 200 166 -34 -3.4% 168 202 0 34
KM 68-69 166 132 -34 -3.4% 132 166 0 34
KM 69-70 132 117 -15 -1.5% 116 132 2 17
KM 70-71 117 103 -14 -1.4% 103 125 8 22
KM 71-72 103 91 -12 -1.2% 91 103 0 12
KM 72-73 91 89 -2 -0.2% 89 91 0 2
KM 73-74 89 89 0 0% 89 90 0 0
KM 74-75 89 86 -3 -0.3% 85 89 1 4
KM 75-76 86 89 +3 +0.3% 86 90 3 0
KM 76-77 89 88 -1 -0.1% 85 91 5 6
KM 77-78 88 87 -1 -0.1% 87 88 1 2
KM 78-79 87 83 -4 -0.4% 83 87 1 5
KM 79-80 83 84 +1 +0.1% 83 87 5 4
KM 80-81 84 84 0 0% 84 87 4 4
KM 81-82 84 89 +5 +0.5% 84 89 6 1
KM 82-83 89 91 +2 +0.2% 89 92 5 3
KM 83-84 91 88 -3 -0.3% 85 101 8 11
KM 84-85 88 86 -2 -0.2% 85 88 3 5
KM 85-86 86 85 -1 -0.1% 84 87 2 3
KM 86-87 85 86 +1 +0.1% 83 86 5 4
KM 87-88 86 90 +4 +0.4% 86 90 4 0
KM 88-89 90 97 +7 +0.7% 90 97 7 0
KM 89-90 97 108 +11 +1.1% 97 108 11 0
KM 90-91 108 132 +24 +2.4% 108 135 38 14
KM 91-92 132 247 +115 +11.5% 132 247 115 0
KM 92-93 247 344 +97 +9.7% 251 340 102 5
KM 93-94 344 409 +65 +6.5% 345 410 66 1
KM 94-95 409 520 +111 +11.1% 409 521 112 1
KM 95-96 520 590 +70 +7.0% 520 590 76 6
KM 96-97 590 636 +46 +4.6% 591 636 52 6
KM 97-98 636 699 +63 +6.3% 636 705 71 8
KM 98-99 699 733 +34 +3.4% 699 743 42 8
KM 99-100 733 718 -15 -1.5% 719 758 25 40
KM 100-101 718 687 -30 -3.0% 683 729 14 44
KM 101-102 687 651 -36 -3.6% 649 692 8 44
KM 102-103 651 623 -28 -2.8% 623 651 0 28
KM 103-104 623 636 +13 +1.3% 600 637 32 19
KM 104-105 636 537 -99 -9.9% 537 643 7 106
KM 105-106 537 400 -137 -13.7% 400 537 0 137
KM 106-107 400 274 -126 -12.6% 274 400 0 126
KM 107-108 274 180 -94 -9.4% 177 274 3 97
KM 108-109 180 152 -28 -2.8% 152 239 58 86
KM 109-110 152 216 +64 +6.4% 116 216 99 35
KM 110-111 216 121 -95 -9.5% 122 268 52 147
KM 111-112 121 218 +98 +9.8% 103 218 114 17
KM 112-113 218 289 +71 +7.1% 223 291 77 6
KM 113-114 289 175 -114 -11.4% 184 292 0 114
KM 114-115 175 218 +44 +4.4% 162 217 56 13
KM 115-116 218 225 +7 +0.7% 219 263 45 38
KM 116-117 225 260 +35 +3.5% 218 260 42 7
KM 117-118 260 280 +20 +2.0% 258 280 27 7
KM 118-119 280 354 +74 +7.4% 280 354 74 0
KM 119-120 354 446 +92 +9.2% 354 446 93 1
KM 120-121 446 486 +40 +4.0% 446 489 43 3
KM 121-122 486 437 -49 -4.9% 437 486 14 63
KM 122-123 437 566 +129 +12.9% 437 565 129 0
KM 123-124 566 654 +88 +8.8% 567 654 88 0
KM 124-125 654 748 +94 +9.4% 654 748 98 4
KM 125-126 748 682 -66 -6.6% 682 757 6 72
KM 126-127 682 580 -102 -10.2% 580 682 0 102
KM 127-128 580 551 -29 -2.9% 539 580 16 45
KM 128-129 551 607 +56 +5.6% 551 616 65 9
KM 129-130 607 689 +82 +8.2% 604 689 85 3
KM 130-131 689 746 +57 +5.7% 689 748 59 2
KM 131-132 746 705 -41 -4.1% 702 746 2 43
KM 132-133 705 697 -8 -0.8% 695 711 15 23
KM 133-134 697 660 -37 -3.7% 653 697 6 43
KM 134-135 660 708 +48 +4.8% 661 708 48 0
KM 135-136 708 674 -34 -3.4% 674 708 1 35
KM 136-137 674 656 -18 -1.8% 648 674 5 23
KM 137-138 656 679 +23 +2.3% 645 679 35 12
KM 138-139 679 622 -57 -5.7% 622 679 7 64
KM 139-140 622 578 -44 -4.4% 578 622 4 48
KM 140-141 578 547 -31 -3.1% 550 607 28 59
KM 141-142 547 547 0 0% 537 564 34 34
KM 142-143 547 575 +28 +2.8% 542 575 28 0
KM 143-144 575 536 -39 -3.9% 536 580 4 43
KM 144-145 536 519 -17 -1.7% 519 556 19 36
KM 145-146 519 510 -9 -0.9% 501 528 17 26
KM 146-147 510 580 +70 +7.0% 510 579 70 0
KM 147-148 580 585 +5 +0.5% 580 602 23 18
KM 148-149 585 554 -31 -3.1% 554 586 0 31
KM 149-150 554 537 -17 -1.7% 537 554 5 22
KM 150-151 537 475 -62 -6.2% 475 537 0 62
KM 151-152 475 406 -69 -6.9% 410 482 6 75
KM 152-153 406 251 -155 -15.5% 254 405 0 155
KM 153-154 251 338 +87 +8.7% 250 338 87 0
KM 154-155 338 237 -101 -10.1% 237 339 0 101
KM 155-156 237 152 -85 -8.5% 138 236 12 97
KM 156-157 152 153 +1 +0.1% 143 158 12 11
KM 157-158 153 151 -2 -0.2% 150 156 4 6
KM 158-159 151 154 +3 +0.3% 150 155 7 4
KM 159-160 154 127 -27 -2.7% 127 156 1 28
KM 160-161 127 113 -14 -1.4% 112 126 1 15
KM 161-162 113 111 -2 -0.2% 110 114 2 4
KM 162-163 111 102 -9 -0.9% 102 111 0 9
KM 163-164 102 102 0 0% 101 103 3 3

GNR-GAP index - Go&Race Algorithm Estimate

Based on the elevation profile analysis, running on this course is estimated to result in a pace that is 20.6% slower.

For example, a runner who maintains a pace of 5'00"/km (8'03"/mi) on a flat 161.7 km course, corresponding to a finish time of 13h28'18", is estimated to complete this course in 16h14'25". The recalculated average pace (GAP) improves to 6'02"/km (9'42"/mi), making it 1'02"/km (1'39"/mi) slower.

The following graph illustrates the Pace Adjustment (PA) factor applied to the pace along the course. The horizontal red line represents a PA of 1, meaning no pace adjustment. Above the line, the pace is slower; below the line, it is faster. The table below also provides estimates for other pace ranges.

Predict your race or analyze your performance!

This following table shows simulations for paces between 3 and 8'/km.

To estimate a possible race time, use the "Pace" or "Time without slopes" column, which are valid for a flat course.
For example, if you think you can cover this distance on a flat course at a pace of 4'40"/km (or 7'31"/mi), i.e. in a time of 12h34'24", the estimate is to complete this course in 15h09'27", corresponding to a pace of 5'38"/km (or 9'03"/mi).

If you have run this race, use the table to estimate the equivalent time on a flat course. Check the "GAP" column and find the value closest to your pace, or compare the "Time with slopes" column with your time: on the same row you will find the pace and the equivalent time on a flat course in the "Pace" and "Time without slopes" columns.
For example, a time of 14h36'59" (pace of 5'25"/km or 8'44"/mi) corresponds to a time of 12h07'28" on a flat course (pace of 4'30"/km or 7'15"/mi).

Pace (min/km) Pace (min/mile) Time without slopes (hh:mm:ss) Time with slopes (hh:mm:ss) GAP (min/km) Δ Pace (min/km) GAP (min/mile) Δ Pace (min/mile)

Notes on the calculation of the length of the route, on the altimetry and on the slope

Note 1: the length of the route is calculated using the geographic coordinates of the points that compose it, thanks to a specific formula. This value may differ slightly from the official length declared by the organizers of the race, which is valid in case of discrepancies.
Note 2: the altimetry may not correspond exactly to the real values. For routes obtained via Google API, it is possible that the altitude is that of the terrain, without considering the presence of any tunnels or viaducts. If, however, the route was obtained from GPS tracking (for example with sports watches), the error is arbitrary and may depend both on the GPS coverage at the time it was recorded and on the performance of the device used.
Note 3: the percentage slope is found by calculating considering sections of at least 50 meters and is subsequently subjected to a "smoothing" process to reduce the possibility of artifacts and obtain a more realistic trend. For classification purposes, roads with gradients between -3% and +3% are considered flat, those with gradients between +3% and +7% are uphill, and those with gradients greater than +7% are considered steep. The same classification applies to descents. This classification is to be considered arbitrary and is a choice of goandrace.com.