
The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025 | Course | Altimetry

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: route, altitude, uphill/downhill statistics, gpx file

Note: "The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025 course map. Lenght: 126.2 km (78.4 mi).

126.2 km (78.4 mi) course map of the event "The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025" in Maspalomas (Sunday, February 23, 2025). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025, fly over the path (3D video).

GPS track - .gpx file download

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.

 .gpx file download

NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025 event page.

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: route altimetric information

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: GNR-GAP index (v 1.0, experimental, see more)

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: interactive route

You can set the km (or mile) markers and you can select different types of layers (Satellite or Openstreetmap).

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: altimetry graph

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: slope graph

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: percentage distribution of slope

The North Face Transgrancanaria 2025: Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 2 2 0 0% 2 2 0 0
KM 1-2 2 2 0 0% 2 3 0 1
KM 2-3 2 4 +2 +0.2% 2 4 2 0
KM 3-4 4 20 +17 +1.7% 4 20 17 0
KM 4-5 20 56 +36 +3.6% 21 56 36 0
KM 5-6 56 158 +101 +10.1% 57 158 101 0
KM 6-7 158 202 +45 +4.5% 159 207 49 5
KM 7-8 202 236 +34 +3.4% 189 237 47 13
KM 8-9 236 171 -65 -6.5% 173 236 0 65
KM 9-10 171 110 -61 -6.1% 111 171 0 61
KM 10-11 110 96 -14 -1.4% 87 110 9 23
KM 11-12 96 107 +10 +1.0% 98 162 66 56
KM 12-13 107 115 +8 +0.8% 96 114 19 11
KM 13-14 115 139 +25 +2.5% 115 139 25 0
KM 14-15 139 161 +22 +2.2% 139 161 22 0
KM 15-16 161 199 +38 +3.8% 161 199 38 0
KM 16-17 199 348 +149 +14.9% 199 347 149 0
KM 17-18 348 377 +29 +2.9% 349 405 77 48
KM 18-19 377 227 -151 -15.1% 228 376 0 151
KM 19-20 227 244 +18 +1.8% 223 244 21 4
KM 20-21 244 293 +49 +4.9% 245 292 49 0
KM 21-22 293 472 +179 +17.9% 293 472 179 0
KM 22-23 472 531 +59 +5.9% 472 531 59 0
KM 23-24 531 557 +25 +2.5% 532 558 29 4
KM 24-25 557 553 -3 -0.3% 536 568 28 31
KM 25-26 553 671 +118 +11.8% 553 670 118 0
KM 26-27 671 817 +146 +14.6% 672 813 146 0
KM 27-28 817 902 +85 +8.5% 818 957 139 54
KM 28-29 902 717 -184 -18.4% 719 901 0 184
KM 29-30 717 638 -80 -8.0% 638 717 0 80
KM 30-31 638 610 -28 -2.8% 610 636 7 34
KM 31-32 610 605 -5 -0.5% 589 609 16 21
KM 32-33 605 690 +86 +8.6% 608 689 86 0
KM 33-34 690 742 +51 +5.1% 692 742 62 10
KM 34-35 742 810 +69 +6.9% 738 809 72 3
KM 35-36 810 934 +124 +12.4% 812 934 134 10
KM 36-37 934 1024 +90 +9.0% 936 1051 118 28
KM 37-38 1024 1018 -5 -0.5% 1020 1105 77 82
KM 38-39 1018 867 -152 -15.2% 867 1017 0 152
KM 39-40 867 794 -72 -7.2% 794 866 0 72
KM 40-41 794 966 +172 +17.2% 795 966 172 0
KM 41-42 966 1000 +33 +3.3% 967 999 40 7
KM 42-43 1000 1006 +6 +0.6% 1000 1057 56 49
KM 43-44 1006 1052 +46 +4.6% 990 1051 62 16
KM 44-45 1052 1263 +211 +21.1% 1053 1262 211 0
KM 45-46 1263 1309 +46 +4.6% 1264 1308 49 4
KM 46-47 1309 1259 -50 -5.0% 1253 1313 2 52
KM 47-48 1259 1204 -56 -5.6% 1204 1259 0 56
KM 48-49 1204 1105 -99 -9.9% 1106 1203 0 99
KM 49-50 1105 988 -117 -11.7% 989 1104 0 117
KM 50-51 988 855 -133 -13.3% 857 988 0 133
KM 51-52 855 548 -307 -30.7% 549 853 0 307
KM 52-53 548 751 +203 +20.3% 547 749 203 0
KM 53-54 751 858 +108 +10.8% 751 858 108 0
KM 54-55 858 909 +50 +5.0% 823 908 86 35
KM 55-56 909 1075 +166 +16.6% 910 1074 166 0
KM 56-57 1075 1213 +138 +13.8% 1077 1215 140 1
KM 57-58 1213 1326 +113 +11.3% 1212 1326 113 0
KM 58-59 1326 1418 +93 +9.3% 1326 1423 97 4
KM 59-60 1418 1297 -121 -12.1% 1303 1418 0 121
KM 60-61 1297 1223 -74 -7.4% 1224 1297 0 74
KM 61-62 1223 1176 -47 -4.7% 1176 1223 0 47
KM 62-63 1176 1209 +32 +3.2% 1176 1216 40 7
KM 63-64 1209 1098 -111 -11.1% 1099 1208 0 111
KM 64-65 1098 1176 +78 +7.8% 1090 1175 86 8
KM 65-66 1176 1285 +109 +10.9% 1177 1293 118 8
KM 66-67 1285 1208 -77 -7.7% 1210 1285 0 77
KM 67-68 1208 1273 +65 +6.5% 1197 1272 75 11
KM 68-69 1273 1369 +96 +9.6% 1274 1365 96 0
KM 69-70 1369 1466 +97 +9.7% 1369 1465 103 6
KM 70-71 1466 1603 +137 +13.7% 1467 1602 144 8
KM 71-72 1603 1689 +85 +8.5% 1605 1686 88 3
KM 72-73 1689 1682 -7 -0.7% 1683 1723 34 41
KM 73-74 1682 1632 -50 -5.0% 1622 1681 8 58
KM 74-75 1632 1477 -155 -15.5% 1479 1632 0 155
KM 75-76 1477 1294 -183 -18.3% 1294 1477 0 183
KM 76-77 1294 1171 -123 -12.3% 1172 1297 0 123
KM 77-78 1171 1085 -86 -8.6% 1081 1170 4 89
KM 78-79 1085 1001 -84 -8.4% 1002 1085 0 84
KM 79-80 1001 1045 +44 +4.4% 992 1048 55 11
KM 80-81 1045 974 -71 -7.1% 950 1044 22 92
KM 81-82 974 1208 +234 +23.4% 976 1207 234 0
KM 82-83 1208 1272 +64 +6.4% 1208 1291 83 19
KM 83-84 1272 1228 -44 -4.4% 1206 1272 22 66
KM 84-85 1228 1385 +157 +15.7% 1228 1384 158 1
KM 85-86 1385 1553 +169 +16.9% 1386 1556 170 1
KM 86-87 1553 1599 +46 +4.6% 1551 1598 80 34
KM 87-88 1599 1675 +76 +7.6% 1601 1679 77 1
KM 88-89 1675 1658 -18 -1.8% 1641 1675 12 30
KM 89-90 1658 1703 +45 +4.5% 1658 1701 45 0
KM 90-91 1703 1828 +125 +12.5% 1705 1828 125 0
KM 91-92 1828 1790 -38 -3.8% 1790 1828 0 38
KM 92-93 1790 1686 -104 -10.4% 1687 1791 0 104
KM 93-94 1686 1630 -56 -5.6% 1631 1686 0 56
KM 94-95 1630 1499 -131 -13.1% 1501 1630 0 131
KM 95-96 1499 1339 -160 -16.0% 1342 1498 0 160
KM 96-97 1339 1215 -124 -12.4% 1215 1339 0 124
KM 97-98 1215 1111 -104 -10.4% 1112 1215 0 104
KM 98-99 1111 1042 -69 -6.9% 1042 1111 0 69
KM 99-100 1042 944 -98 -9.8% 940 1040 3 101
KM 100-101 944 955 +11 +1.1% 940 955 15 4
KM 101-102 955 1022 +67 +6.7% 955 1021 67 0
KM 102-103 1022 1092 +70 +7.0% 1024 1092 70 0
KM 103-104 1092 1189 +97 +9.7% 1092 1189 97 0
KM 104-105 1189 1071 -118 -11.8% 1071 1188 0 118
KM 105-106 1071 959 -112 -11.2% 960 1070 0 112
KM 106-107 959 832 -127 -12.7% 832 958 0 127
KM 107-108 832 715 -116 -11.6% 716 832 0 116
KM 108-109 715 565 -150 -15.0% 567 715 0 150
KM 109-110 565 412 -153 -15.3% 413 564 0 153
KM 110-111 412 329 -83 -8.3% 330 411 0 83
KM 111-112 329 308 -21 -2.1% 306 329 2 23
KM 112-113 308 349 +41 +4.1% 304 349 46 4
KM 113-114 349 416 +67 +6.7% 349 414 67 0
KM 114-115 416 460 +44 +4.4% 416 469 53 8
KM 115-116 460 345 -116 -11.6% 345 459 0 116
KM 116-117 345 268 -76 -7.6% 269 343 0 76
KM 117-118 268 233 -36 -3.6% 233 268 2 38
KM 118-119 233 207 -25 -2.5% 209 232 0 25
KM 119-120 207 170 -37 -3.7% 171 207 0 37
KM 120-121 170 139 -31 -3.1% 141 170 0 31
KM 121-122 139 115 -24 -2.4% 115 139 0 24
KM 122-123 115 108 -7 -0.7% 100 115 6 14
KM 123-124 108 65 -42 -4.2% 65 108 0 42
KM 124-125 65 44 -21 -2.1% 44 65 0 21
KM 125-126 44 31 -14 -1.4% 30 44 0 14
KM 126-126.20 31 32 +1 +0.1% 31 32 13 0

GNR-GAP index - Go&Race Algorithm Estimate

Based on the elevation profile analysis, running on this course is estimated to result in a pace that is 35.4% slower.

For example, a runner who maintains a pace of 5'00"/km (8'03"/mi) on a flat 126.2 km course, corresponding to a finish time of 10h31'03", is estimated to complete this course in 14h14'14". The recalculated average pace (GAP) improves to 6'46"/km (10'54"/mi), making it 1'46"/km (2'51"/mi) slower.

The following graph illustrates the Pace Adjustment (PA) factor applied to the pace along the course. The horizontal red line represents a PA of 1, meaning no pace adjustment. Above the line, the pace is slower; below the line, it is faster. The table below also provides estimates for other pace ranges.

Predict your race or analyze your performance!

This following table shows simulations for paces between 3 and 8'/km.

To estimate a possible race time, use the "Pace" or "Time without slopes" column, which are valid for a flat course.
For example, if you think you can cover this distance on a flat course at a pace of 4'40"/km (or 7'31"/mi), i.e. in a time of 9h48'58", the estimate is to complete this course in 13h17'16", corresponding to a pace of 6'19"/km (or 10'10"/mi).

If you have run this race, use the table to estimate the equivalent time on a flat course. Check the "GAP" column and find the value closest to your pace, or compare the "Time with slopes" column with your time: on the same row you will find the pace and the equivalent time on a flat course in the "Pace" and "Time without slopes" columns.
For example, a time of 12h48'48" (pace of 6'05"/km or 9'48"/mi) corresponds to a time of 9h27'56" on a flat course (pace of 4'30"/km or 7'15"/mi).

Pace (min/km) Pace (min/mile) Time without slopes (hh:mm:ss) Time with slopes (hh:mm:ss) GAP (min/km) Δ Pace (min/km) GAP (min/mile) Δ Pace (min/mile)

Notes on the calculation of the length of the route, on the altimetry and on the slope

Note 1: the length of the route is calculated using the geographic coordinates of the points that compose it, thanks to a specific formula. This value may differ slightly from the official length declared by the organizers of the race, which is valid in case of discrepancies.
Note 2: the altimetry may not correspond exactly to the real values. For routes obtained via Google API, it is possible that the altitude is that of the terrain, without considering the presence of any tunnels or viaducts. If, however, the route was obtained from GPS tracking (for example with sports watches), the error is arbitrary and may depend both on the GPS coverage at the time it was recorded and on the performance of the device used.
Note 3: the percentage slope is found by calculating considering sections of at least 50 meters and is subsequently subjected to a "smoothing" process to reduce the possibility of artifacts and obtain a more realistic trend. For classification purposes, roads with gradients between -3% and +3% are considered flat, those with gradients between +3% and +7% are uphill, and those with gradients greater than +7% are considered steep. The same classification applies to descents. This classification is to be considered arbitrary and is a choice of goandrace.com.